Monday, September 3, 2007

Take Guard Against Gardasil

Last month I went to my doctor for a check-up before the summer is over and I leave for school again. After making sure everything was normal, my doctor sat me down and asked me if I would be interested in getting the Gardasil vaccine. Posters were all over the walls of this office proclaiming that mothers and daughters should receive this vaccine due to its immunization against the Human Papilloma Virus also known as HPV. So I had her brief me on this new vaccine. It protects against 4 of the 100 areas of HPV. Yes, only 4. Apparently "women" ages 9-26 are recommended to receive this vaccine. Also, some states are attempting to make it mandatory for all "women" to receive this vaccination and are making sure it is covered by medical insurance companies. After hearing this, I was shocked. 9 year olds getting vaccines protecting them from HPV? My doctor told me to look at it as a tetanus or MMR shot; as more of a protection in case something happens in the future even if I wasn't planning on it happening. As though HPV was something from which no woman could protect herself. She asked if I would be interested in receiving the shot that day and I refused politely. She questioned me asking why I wasn't interested and I told her straight out that I was waiting until marriage to have sex. Her reply shocked me because instead of respecting my choice of not having sex unless it was in marriage, she said, "Well, you might plan for that to happen, but you never know when that one man will come along and you will fall in love, and plans of abstinence will change." What she didn't realize is that when love occurs, plans of abstinence will NOT change and if they do, well it's not falling in love, but falling in lust. She spoke to me as though she did not have the faith in me to stay strong in my beliefs and remain chaste for life.

But back to the idea of giving this vaccine to 9 year olds. How is a parent supposed to explain that type of shot to a 9 year old girl? The other vaccines are easy to explain, but to tell your daughter that she's going to the doctor to receive a shot that will make her "immune" to a sexually transmitted disease is absurd. Also, its quite apparent that by making a vaccine that supposedly protects a woman from getting a STD encourages her to have sex more often and with multiple partners. This idea that she is protected from HPV will make her believe she is invincible. Instead of trying to protect individuals completely from getting STDs by promoting waiting to have sex until one is married, the drug companies are using this to their advantage and trying to make money. This society believes that teens can't resist having sex, so they make it possible for teens to have "safe sex" when really the only "safe sex" one can have is in a monogamous committed relationship aka marriage. This is like a parent who thinks they're protecting their child by buying alcohol for him because he would be drinking anyway and they might as well make sure he doesn't get caught. America should be encouraging the values of strength and self control in teens, especially when dealing with premarital sex. Instead, we encourage teens to do what they want and make it easier by taking away consequences of their actions.



Amanda, almost R.N. said...

All views on the morality of sexual relations aside, I would like to discuss some of the aspects of the actual medication, Gardasil.

Gardasil does, in fact, only protect against a certain number of types of HPV. At this time, that is all that they can provide immunity from. However, it should be noted, that of the 70+ DNA characterized types of HP viruses, there are only a certain number that present on sexual organs. The rest present in the form of cold sores, plantar warts, and other skin infections. That being said, anything that prevents cancer is worth it. Anything. The pain that a cancer patient feels is beyond that than can be perceived, even by those with the greatest empathy.

Also, if the proper teaching is given, no one should believe that Gardasil is a magical cure or prevention method for STDs. You are correct in saying that abstinence is the only 100% way to prevent infection or pregnancy. However, it should also be known that this is stated in the information that comes with the vaccine. For a minor, the parent or guardian, as well as the physician or nurse practitioner or attending RN would explain the limits of the medication. There should be no misunderstanding.

You're ideals are high, and if everyone held themselves to your standards, there would be far less trauma in today's family and society. However, as long as there is free will (and you know that there is), there will be those who make choices that go against perfection. Even these deserve protection. I am training to be a medical professional, and am held to the principles that govern such, one of which being, to do no harm. I like to think of it to also mean allow no harm. Gardasil is a way to protect thousands of girls and women from coming to severe harm that you should pray you never experience.

Your care provider was correct in offering you this medication, it is her medical duty. It is not a lack of faith in you that prompted her to suggest, but rather a firm grasp on the reality of today. My clinical instructor for my obstetrics rotation said that the youngest mother that she helped in labor was 13. It is a truth that needs to be acknowledged: children, children are having sex. Without a doubt. But whatever you think and feel, they deserve to be protected. Even if it is a mistake, and they do not feel the “consequences of their actions” would you want to see a young woman suffer? Would you? Really suffer. Pain that is unimaginable. Sterilization. Possible death. Yes, women can die from cervical cancer. Would that make your point?

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. You prevent your way, I will prevent mine, but please, inform yourself, and allow others to do the same, before judging on something that can do so much good.

SEXPERT said...

Now, I don't know everything about Gardasil. I do know it prevents some types of HPV--which is a good thing. Amanda, nobody is "judging" anything. Rather, Lauren has given her take on the medication in a blog of personal feelings. I realize that you are training to be a medical practitioner, and so you have to be impartial in doling out medication and doing whatever is best for the patient, regardless of personal morality.

This, however, is a blog about sexual morality. Of course there will be a bias against a drug that says it's okay to be sexually promiscuous--and rest assured, I know all to well that children are having sex (the details are, of course, none of your business). Nobody is perfect, we know that and we have lived imperfect lives ourselves. We wouldn't judge, because who are we to judge?

I will admit that the doctor was 'just doing her job,' as it were. However, when Lauren graciously refused the medication based on personal morality, I can't help but think that the doctor was a little intrusive in trying to push the medication on her. Lauren's morality will prevent her infection just fine, thank you kindly, and it would be better if more doctors respected the personal, moral wishes of their patients.

The ideals are high, to be sure. But to reach them is not beyond human potential. As an almost-21 year old virgin, I am living proof that they can be reached. I will not be getting any STDs, and it isn't thanks to any medication.

Thank you, Amanda, for your attempt at an unbiased view. Though it failed at being impartial, you've provided us and all our readers with more information about the medication. You have to remember, however, that this is a blog on sexual morality, and there will be a strong bias against anything that says sexual promiscuity is "okay."


SEXPERT said...

Thanks Amanda for your information on the drug.

As human beings, all of our actions have consequences whether good or bad. And if our action is a bad one, then the consequences should reflect that. By lessening the consequences of our actions, it subliminally shows us that we are able to make bad decisions and 'get away' with them. Guardasil (as well as any contraceptive) is one that 'protects us' from facing the consequences of our actions. If I found that I could go into a convenience store and steal candy from the back without the owner noticing, then I have escaped the consequences of my actions. All that is going to make me do is go into the convenience store more often to steal candy. It's going to show me that I can do what I want and not have to face any consequences. In cases like this, I would eventually be caught and security cameras will be placed around the store in order to catch anyone who tries to steal merchandise; thus making sure that the criminal faces the consequences necessary. The owner would never say "Oh well since you can't resist stealing, I'll head to the back room each time you come in so I won't catch you stealing anything".

So why when dealing with premarital sex and STDs do we allow teens to 'do what they want' and make it easier for them? When actually in turn they'll end up facing physical, emotional and mental pain later in life? Shouldn't we protect our teens by teaching them chastity? It would be a much easier path than injecting vaccines, putting them on pills, and handing out condoms while telling them that this lifestyle what they want.


Unknown said...

As a faithful Catholic mom of nine children (5 daughters and 4 sons), this issue has been weighing heavily on my mind since the announcement of the release of the drug. We are a very pro-chastity family, so please don't think that my comments reflect a 'cafeteria Catholic' perspective. I have many concerns about the Gardasil drug itself based on reports of many side effects in the young women who have consented to it. For that reason alone, I would not have my girls vaccinated with it. However, my concern with Lauren's post is that she is not taking into consideration that the preventive nature of the drug is NOT just for young women who may or may not be chaste BEFORE marriage, but also for women who will eventually be married to MEN who have lived in a very fallen world. Cancer prevention is not a morality issue. Gardasil is not intended to be a license for promiscuity. Can you see that it is quite possible that you may remain chaste until marriage but may be joining yourself with someone who has had a sexual past... even if it's only one partner? A young man or woman who is completely committed to chastity and abstinence has to remember that secondary chastity, through the grace and mercy of God, is a viable option for those who have committed sins of the flesh but have seen the light. And of course, HPV is so silent that you probably wouldn't even know that your future spouse was carrying the virus. That's a sad reality, but one that needs to be considered when discussing the Gardasil vaccine. Sometimes, it's not as much about what YOU have done to prevent disease, but what others have done to remain chaste... and there is no prevention for that. Thank you all for your honest commentary on this issue. Kimi

poonam said...

Is the wash of semen after intercourse will affect on pregnancy?

Unknown said...

Anyone who doesn't believe in preventing cancer and human suffering cannot call themselves moral, spiritual, or close to god.
Are you really saying that if you have sex before you're married or with more than one person you should get a life threatening disease?
Sex is not just about child birth it's a beautiful expression of love and trust. i agree it is not to be taken lightly, but it can't be avoided it is a part of life.
Even if your daughters waited until marriage they could easily get it from their husband.
if you care at all about your children s' health you will get them vaccinated for HPV as you would to prevent any other unnecessary illness.
Otherwise you may as well say(if you were a vegetarian) that someone who eats meat should die from salmonella or ecoli because its wrong to eat meat.
See how ridiculous you sound?
no one is perfect. im sure even you virginal mothers out there whoever you are...have somethings about yourselves that arent quite the best, and exhibit behaviors that shouldnt be rewarded.
if there could be a disease people get for being ignorant, selfish, and closed minded, i hope you get it.
is that the kind of world you want to live in, with people judging you all the time. let me take look at your life lady, im sure i could find somethings to air you wouldnt be proud of, but im pretty sure wishing cancer on you for it might be going a bit too far.